Asian Network Pacific Home Care ranks in the top 1% in California with the lowest
re-hospitalization rate and utilizes evidence based practices in care delivery.

Founded in 1991, Asian Network provides culturally sensitive end of life care and home health to the Asian community in the greater Bay Area. There is a great need for access to health care within the Asian community and we strive to overcome the barriers such as language, with an emphasis on respect of cultural differences and traditions.

Our multilingual and multicultural licensed professional team comprises of the most skilled and talented registered nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, medical social workers and home health aides to serve people of all ethnic backgrounds in several counties: Alameda, San Francisco, Santa Clara and Contra Costa.

Our goal is to work towards building a healthy community, empowering individuals to actively manage their health and achieve the best outcomes for our patients.

Asian Network Hospice was the first hospice in the East Bay Area providing culturally sensitive end of life care to the Asian population since 2002.

Asian Network Pacific Home Care and Asian Network Hospice is licensed by the State of California and Medicare.

  • Gielie
    Thank you all for caring for my husband, Florentino. We were lucky to have your team assigned to him. You were all kind, compassionate, gentle and patient. He could not have asked for a better groups. This message also goes to the ones I missed mentioning but were assigned to come at different times. God bless you all in your chosen professions.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Cho
    Thank you for all your help!! We really appreciate the services you provided. Best wishes to all workers! The donation is not much, but we thank you very much.
    Mr. and Mrs. Cho
  • D. Leonard
    I would like to thank your organization for all the work you have done in my behalf. The physical therapists and the registered nurse were so wonderful to me and worked so hard to help me recover from my hip replacement. The movement from hospital to rehab facility to home to physical therapy and nursing at home was unbelievably seamless. I am doing much better today thanks to all of your staff, and am hoping to have some outpatient therapy at your facility in Oakland. Thank you again, and please share this letter with the rest of the staff. I believe that anyone who sees a need in an underserved community and them moves to fill that need is a certified genius.
    D. Leonard
  • A. Siu
    宜康安寧服務台鑒 首先多謝你們的服務,不知用甚麼的言語來形容你們的關懷,吾妻剛是去世半年,此段日子除哭泣外難以告知他人。你們的關懷真的很飛感謝。草此匆匆,多謝,多謝。 祝福你們,叩謝
    A. Siu
  • 曹及家人
    葉太: 非常感謝你們宜康安寧服務對家母及我的家人的關懷幫助。家母雖然仙逝,但是她已不再痛苦,沒有疾病的煎熬,這是我們感到告慰的。我們按照家母生前意願,把她的靈位安奉在佛堂𥚃,將被長年供奉。我樂見她永遠生活在另一個開心的世界。 在此,我謹代表家人向宜康的工作人員䄊意兼感謝,在這艱難的時刻,如雪中送炭般收到你們的援手。對我們來說是極之重要的。 謹代為轉達我們向宜康眾人感謝之意。 謹祝 安康
  • 曹,暨家人同致謝
    親愛的宜康服務同寅: 三藩巿的區姑娘,Linda,May,Anne Yee,Yimin, Mountain View 的葉太,Joanne, Alex, Anne Ng, Judy.... 謝謝您們,衷心的祝福您們!有您們的關懷和幫助,病人的身心苦痛得到莫大的寬減,病者家屬的重擔也得到舒緩,這「雪中送炭」的服務,叫病者與家屬都感到人間有愛,悲哀與痛楚都給熨暖了!我們在互聯網上看到一段網友的小簡,內文是說: "我出生時,我在哭,旁邊的人都在笑。 我逝世時,我在笑,旁邊的人都在哭。" 我的奶奶脫離了病魔的鎖困,離開病軀仙遊去了,讓我們擦乾眼淚,為她的身心不再受苦而鬆一口氣,同時也為她的新生祈禱!
  • C.V.
    I am writing to you wonderful people to thank for all the many loving, caring blessings you have brought to me, my husband & especially (name removed) my mother-in-law and your patient currently at Eden Villa.
  • Velma & Jerry
    Velma and I wish to recognize your competent and compassionate care for Velma in the final days of her sojourn on earth. I especially thank you, Amy, Rebecca, and Liu. We are very grateful for remarkable service.
    Velma & Jerry

Our caring and compassionate staff speaks Cantonese, Mandarin, Toisanese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Korean, Tagalog, Mien and English.

Community Partners

American Bone Health
American Home Care and Hospice Organization
Asian American Community Involvement
Asian Health Services
Asian Outreach at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center
California Association for Health Services at Home
California State University East Bay Community Health Committee
Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate Care
Chinese American Physician Society

Chinese American Physician Society
Family Bridges
Highland Hospital End of Life Committee
Home Health Quality Improvement Organization
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
Oakland Asian Culture Center
Oakland Chamber of Commerce
Santa Clara Medical Center End of Life Committee
Wa Sung Community Service Club

2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015,

2015, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010,

2009, 2008, 2007, 2006

2010 Top 3 Home Health Care Agencies in the US

2010 Home Health Pay for Performance (HHP4P)

2012 Great American Home Health Care Award

2011 July Agency of the Month



Nancy L. Chang, RN, MS, ANP

Chief Executive Officer

Ivy Kwong, DPT, MPA

Director of Rehabilitation Services

Tracy Wei, RN, MS, FNP

Director of Clinical Services